Anyma lab emerged from a beautiful creative bond between two dreamers sharing a deep belief in meaningful narratives through art and craving to create. We are two free spirits coming from different generations and backgrounds with many shared passions, who decided to connect souls and embark on a journey of story telling storytelling.

We purpose a reflexion about the inner self but ultimately about society.  We aim to spark contemplation and encourage people to question themselves about their surroundings.

We are committed to encourage critical thinking and prompt you to question the world.
We want you to understand the significance and message of our designs and then make them your own. 

Anyma Lab is the result of a beautiful encounter between two creative souls, Ana and Maria, who share a vision of the world where art is the source of inspiration. Together, they merge their talents and dreams to give birth to an artistic entity that transcends generational and cultural boundaries.

Anyma Lab is a narrative and creative adventure, a journey where each work tells a story and stirs emotions.

Ana and Maria are architects. Their training and practice profoundly influence their creative work. Their collections find its materialization in different media through the exploration of new techniques and settings.